
Awesome Revolution

So, I've decided I'm tired of being a size 10 and I'm working to regain my size 4 of previous years.
There are several wedding thing-a-ma-bob events that I have to go to in the summer, plus I'll be running around little kids all summer, and currently none of my shorts fit. And I came up with a plan for it.

Drink the min water amount
Swim at least two miles a week
-that's 20 laps a day, 4 days a week
-cut my time in half by May
-swimming on weekdays, weekend swimming doesn't count
No fast food buying/buying any food out
one coke a day minimum
ice cream cut WAY back

and as a random side note, i still think that the scene where they drop the flyers in the stairwell in 10 things i hate about you, is one of the coolest scenes ever.

There's other stuff that I don't remember, but I'll add it when I do.

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