
I'm researching the garbage out of the connection between the Law and the Covenant in OT Israel. And my eyes are getting tired of the small print in one of the books so I thought I'd put down some lyrics I like:

Do I have to spell it out for you
or scream it in your face?
Oh, the chemistry between us could destroy this place
Do I have to spell it out for you
or whisper in your ear?
Oh, just stop right there
I think that we've got something here
-Staplegunned, The Spill Canvas

Get up, Get up
Dance on the ceiling
Get up, Get up
Boy you must be dreaming
Rock on young savior
Don't give up your hopes
-Big Casino, Jimmy Eat World

And it's safe to say we'll never know
everything still blessings we receive.
And it’s safe to say I really don't know a thing,
still I choose to believe.
-I Believe, Dustin Kensrue

That might be a small glimpse into my life currently. Solving cases may take chemistry but it's just confusing when you're not allowed to act on some. Man, I had an overshare of that last night. Two of my exes were at 97 West last night. Two totally different parts of my life represented. Weird.

Then Jimmy Eat World expresses some of the lost direction I feel. I don't want to get bogged up in STUFF. I want to dance on the ceiling... start my ignition... be a part of something bigger than myself.

And finally, I need to trust. God may be working something in my heart... and I need to believe it. Not just be bothered and frustrated and confused.


like a long lost friend

Wow, I totally forgot I had one of these until I suggested it to my friend for her overseas escapades. I've been using my LJ the most the past few years, but lost the art of blogging in recent times.

I know no one reads this currently... Tiff might later... the real interesting stuff is at www.livejournal.com/users/reflectivegrace (it's where I keep my dirty little secrets ;)).

But I think I'll use this thing for my short stories. Or something pseudo-creative.
We'll see.