Busy. Busy.
I like my excuses.
In recent months my hair has gotten a lot longer, and blonder. I've switched jobs, college plans, and wondered what God is up to.
There are a lot of goings on in the Family. And everything's kind of a big deal. But more than ever before in my life I trust that God's got it more than under control.
I'm going to have a new nephew in December.
The path to reconciliation for our family is rocky, but leads to the best destination I could imagine. Can I tell you what it's like to sit across from the birth father who abandoned you and no longer feel any shred of alienation? Probably not well enough. But, he chooses everyday to be a better father to her than to me and that is all I need from him.
Can I tell you what it's like to share my heart with a man that I've prayed for for so long and actually see him begin to respond? To find out that another sister is pregnant, and this might be the thing that not only draws her tighter in our family, but back to God?
It's a crazy dance, to really fast music, and sometimes I don't hit every step, but God is the best dance partner I can think of. And He knows how it'll all play out.
So, in a few weeks I may have no idea what I'll be doing. At least I'll have a pretty dang good tan :)
peace and doughnuts